Without the generous support of donors, MCM would not be able to continue to work with vulnerable migrants, seniors and youth. Thank you so much!
Monthly Donations
Recurring monthly donations are an important part of MCM’s fundraising and they are both convenient for the donor, and a valuable source of reliable income for MCM. Automatic monthly donations can be made either through your credit card (via Canada Helps), or as a direct debit through our partnership with the United Church of Canada. There are no set up fees for either option and it can be cancelled at any time.
Legacy Gifts
The MCM Legacy Fund, housed in the United Church of Canada Foundation, offers supporters an opportunity to ensure long term viability of MCM programs, in particular, our work with vulnerable migrants. A gift to our legacy fund can be made as a special donation in honor or memory of a loved one, as a bequest in one's will or through naming MCM as a recipient of stocks, bonds or an insurance policy.